Selasa, 04 Agustus 2020

cause and effect

cause and effect

Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Cause and Effect atau Kalimat Kausalitas

Kalimat cause and effect biasa juga disebut dengan kalimat sebab-akibat atau kalimat kausalitas adalah kalimat yang dibangun dengan melibatkan tindakan yang membuat sesuatu terjadi dan hasil dari tindakan tersebut. Paling gampang ditandai dengan kata hubung yang menandakan sebab akibat, misalnya: because, for, since, when, dan as.

Contoh 1
Ø  I was lost so I opened Google Maps (Saya tersesat sehingga saya membuka Google Maps)
Cause : I was lost
Effect : I opened Google Maps
Conjunction : so

Contoh 2
Ø  The journey was quite quick because the road was clear. (perjalanan cukup cepat karena jalanan bersih dari hambatan )
Cause : the road was clear.
Effect : the journey was quite quick
Conjunction : because

Contoh 3
Ø  As it is raining again, I will have to stay at home. (karena hujan sedang turun lagi, saya akan tinggal di rumah)
Cause : it is raining again.
Effect : I will have to stay at home.
Conjunction : as

Contoh 4
Ø  Since she had not paid the rent,she was told to vacate the flat. (Karena dia belum membayar sewa, dia diberitahu untuk mengosongkan ruangan.)
Cause : she had not paid the rent.
Effect : she was told to vacate the flat.
Conjunction : since

Contoh 5
Ø  When the ocean is extremely polluted, coral reefs die..
Cause : the ocean is extremely polluted.
Effect : coral reefs die.
Conjunction : when

·      Hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah jika kata hubung terletak di awal kalimat, kita perlu menggunakan tanda baca koma. Akan tetapi, jika kata hubungnya berada di tengah, kita tidak perlu menggunakan koma.
Examples :
1.    As it was getting late, We decided to book into a hotel.
(Karena sudah larut, kami memutuskan untuk memesan hotel.)

2.    You can go first as you're the oldest.
(Anda boleh duluan karena Anda yang tertua.)

Senin, 03 Agustus 2020



1. Silahkan pelajari BAB 1 tentang Permainan Bola Besar ( Sepak Bola ).
2. Setelah dipelajari, silahkan dirangkum di buku catatan kalian.
3. Setalah itu silahkan kerjakan soal dibawah ini.


Jawablah pertanyaan - pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar !

1. Carilah video tentang teknik menendang bola setelah itu di analisa !

Selamat mengerjakan dan Semangat dalam Belajar Online selama Masa Pandemi COVID-19 ...

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2020




1.    Fungsi sosial :

Menyatakan Talking about one self
2.    Struktur Text
I am sixteen years-year-old
My younger brother is elementary school student
My favorite subjects are social sciences
I like history very much.
As my hobbies I’m really into books
My favorite boy band is one Direction
My favorite malay singer is, of course, Siti Nurhalisa
3.    Unsur Kebahasaan
-Kata kerja ( VERB ) di dalam ungkapan
  Verb -1
A.     Fill the blanks with the right expression !
Conversation 1
Situation : Some students are meeting in Jakarta as representatives of their provinces in a program of the commemoration of National Education Day
Hasan   : Hi. Good morning ……(1) …….. I am Hasan
Ujang    : Hi. Good morning. I am Ujang. … ( 2 ) ….. Hasan
Hasan   : Nice to meet you, too Ujang. I come from Surabaya East Java. … ( 3 ) ….. Ujang?
Ujang   : Well, I come from Bandung. West Java. And I study at State Senior High School 2 Bandung. What about you? Where do you study, Hasan?
Hasan    : Oh, I study at an Islamic school in Surabaya, SMA Al-Falah.

While Ujang and Hasan are talking, Some students come and join their conversation.
Nimas     : Good morning, Hasan ….. ( 4 ) …..
Hasan     : Good morning, Nimas. …. ( 5 ) ….. How about you?
Nimas     : …. ( 6 ) …… ,thanks.
Hasan     : Nimas, …. ( 7 )………  , This is Ujang, Ujang, this is Nimas.
Ujang      : Hi, Nimas. How do you do ?
Nimas     : …. ( 8 ) ……? Pleased to meet you Ujang,
Ujang      : By the way , this is our friend from Medan, Rima Siregar.
Rima       : Hi, Nimas, Hi, Hasan, It is really nice to know you.
Nimas     : Hi, Rima…. ( 9) ……. .
Hasan     : Nice to meet you, too Rima
    Ujang   : Allright my friends, let’s talk further later. We should go to the meeting hall to meet the minister. ….. ( 10 ) ….
Friends          : Bye
B.     Answer the questions based on the dialogue above !
1.    How many persons are there in the dialogue? Who are they?
2.    Do they know each other?
3.    What are they talking about?
4.    Where is Rima from?
5.    Why do they go to the meeting hall?